Experiencing Hair Loss? Try This One Trick That Strengthens Your Hair and Promote Hair Growth.
Healthy, long, and voluminous hair can often seem like an unattainable dream. This is especially true when you are riddled with issues, such as hair loss and brittle hair.
Well, then you really have to try this egg white hair mask! Using an egg white hair mask cleanses the scalp of excess oils, strengthens hair, promotes growth, and fights dandruff.
The benefit of the egg white hair mask:

Things you need:
- 2 egg whites
- 1 lemon juice
- 2 tablespoon of organic coconut oil
1. In a bowl, add egg white and lemon juice
2. Add in coconut oil and mix well
3. Apply this mask on your scalp and hair, distribute the mixture from hair roots to tips using your fingers
4. Comb the mixture through your hair with a wide-toothed comb, making sure it coats every strand
5. Let it sit for 40 minutes to 1 hour
6. Rinse with COLD water (super important!) If you rinse with warm or hot water, the egg whites will form chunks and stick to your hair
7. Dry your hair as usual
So remember...
You should see results after the first application. Your hair will appear shinier, healthier and smoother. It is recommended to use this hair mask once a week for at least one month to see more significant results on hair growth. If you experience irregular symptoms from using an egg white hair mask, stop use immediately.